TOUCHING LEARN mORE Through interventions in healthcare, education, economic empowerment and distaster relief, we are impacting the lives of millions of people across Africa. SUCODI LIVES

Working Tirelessly for Every chid's Smile

We have Helped 15,000+ Children In Uganda.


Who We Are.

Suubi Community Development Initiatives-Uganda (SUCODI)

Welcome to Suubi Community Development Initiatives-Uganda (SUCODI), a non-profit, community-based organization dedicated to promoting the welfare, education, and health of orphaned and vulnerable children (OVCs) in Uganda. Registered as WCBO/017/12, SUCODI operates with a mission to restore hope in communities ravaged by poverty, disease, and the devastating impacts of HIV/AIDS.


Founded in 2011, SUCODI was born out of a pressing need to support the growing number of OVCs, particularly those orphaned by HIV/AIDS. "Suubi" is a Luganda word that means "Hope," reflecting our commitment to bringing hope to children and communities facing seemingly insurmountable challenges

We envision a Uganda where orphaned and vulnerable children receive the education and care they need to become self-sufficient and positively impact their communities.

Through cutting-edge technology, strategic partnerships, and a deep understanding of regional dynamics, we aim to become the trusted partner for individuals and businesses navigating the complexities of trading and international commerce in East Africa.”

Protection and Support: Safeguard orphaned children from rights abuse and oppression, providing a conducive environment for their development.

Health Care: Ensure access to adequate health care and protection from diseases for children and the entire community.

Education: Assist OVCs in accessing education and improving their health standards.

Community Awareness: Raise awareness on community development issues.

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OVC'S Lives Touched.

0 + Families

Provided Agricultural Support to Over

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Increased School Retention Rates By Over: